What Is AL Amyloidosis?

AL amyloidosis is a rare, progressive, and fatal disease where clonal plasma cells produce light chain proteins that misfold, aggregate, and deposit as amyloid in vital organs, such as the heart.1 Prothena has over a decade of commitment to developing treatments for amyloidosis.

What Is AL Amyloidosis With Significant Cardiac Involvement?

The extent of cardiac dysfunction is an important predictor of short- and long-term survival of patients with AL amyloidosis.2 Patients with significant cardiac involvement who are at high risk for early death at diagnosis can be identified with cardiac staging systems, which are based around soluble cardiac biomarker measurements.2,3 Patients with Mayo Stage IV AL amyloidosis are at high risk for early death, with a median overall survival of 6-11 months.3-5

What Is Birtamimab?

Birtamimab, formerly known as NEOD001, is an investigational humanized monoclonal antibody designed to specifically and selectively target and clear the amyloid that accumulates and causes organ dysfunction and failure in patients with AL amyloidosis.6 Birtamimab’s design characteristics were chosen to optimize its mechanism of action via an IgG1 backbone and to reduce the risk of immunogenicity via a humanized amino acid sequence. The long half-life of birtamimab provides the convenience of infrequent administration (every 4 weeks).6

Birtamimab has been granted orphan drug designation for AL amyloidosis by both the FDA and the European Medicines Agency and has been granted Fast Track designation by the FDA.

A post hoc analysis from VITAL, a Phase 3 clinical trial in patients with newly diagnosed AL amyloidosis, suggests that birtamimab may have a significant survival benefit in patients with Mayo Stage IV disease.7 Prothena is advancing birtamimab with the confirmatory Phase 3 AFFIRM-AL clinical trial in patients with confirmed Mayo Stage IV AL amyloidosis (currently enrolling; NCT04973137)

AL Amyloidosis Studies

Phase 1/2

69 previously diagnosed and treated pts with persistent organ dysfunction



260 newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve Mayo Stage I-IV pts



129 previously diagnosed pts with at least partial HR after prior treatment and persistent cardiac dysfunction



Newly diagnosed treatment-naïve Mayo Stage IV pts

AA, amyloid A; AL, light chain; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; HR, hematologic response; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; pts, patients.
  1. McCausland KL, et al. Patient. 2018;11:207–216.
  2. Muchtar E, et al. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021;96:1546–1577.
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  19. Rizio AA, et al. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2023;14:297–304.
  20. Palladini G, et al. Leuk Lymphoma. 2024;1–11. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2024.2337803. Online ahead of print.